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3 Tips Parents Should Consider on Their Parenting Journey

Being a parent is one of the most universal experiences of being human, but that does not make it an easy undertaking. June 1st is Global Day of Parents… an annual, global holiday to honor parents and show gratitude for all they have done for us.

As a mother of two, a mother who has experienced loss in pregnancy, a former teacher, and a female CEO of the mom-focused jewelry brand, Tough as a Mother Tribe, Jennifer Cervantes strives to continually reflect on the impact that she has had on her children’s lives while sharing the things that she has found to be most beneficial on her parenting journey.

Here are Jennifer’s top 3 tips that all parents should consider on their parenting journey:

Be vulnerable with other parents

Share how you really feel and what you’re struggling with. There is no “keeping up with the Joneses” when it comes to parenting - being real and authentic is the way to go. This will help build a strong support system for you and other parents and allow others to support and guide you in things you may struggle with. Plus, it is nice to have someone to share common experiences with!

Be honest with your kids

Talk through key issues happening in your life and in the world, like the pandemic. Share your feelings... your children will feel safer when they are in the loop and when you communicate openly and honestly with them. Kids are so open and intuitive. We often want to protect our kids by just not sharing, but I’ve found that even my 3-year-old finds comfort knowing what’s going on around them and in my life. They know when we try and hide things and this is not good for building a solid connection with your kids.

Spend lots of quality time together

Find joy in staycations if you’re not ready to travel. Kids always remember these experiences and will remember the picnics at the park, driving to the next town, or camping in the backyard! It’s not how large or small the experience is, it’s the emotional impact it leaves on your kids that’s important. Just be present and do something fun together - they will be grateful!

Above all else, Jennifer wants to remind parents to know that asking for help and finding the right support is so crucial and beneficial to not only you but your family. “You are worthy of support... asking for help is a superpower,” says Cervantes.

GROW is designed to be a resource and an entertaining publication for the whole family, by utilizing real and authentic family life experiences to challenge, encourage, inspire, and GROW families. (1).gif



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