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  • Grow-Families

Summer Camp Fun

Suddenly the realization hits, what are we going to do with all the free time our kids have this summer? We no longer have school to keep our kids busy and their minds actively learning and engaged. We don’t want them bored at home with nothing to do!

How can your kids overcome the "Summer Day Blues"?

Summer Camp!

Many parents recall their fondest memories of their youth being at summer camps. These days, your children have an array of options for their summer activities. They can head off to stay-away camps or stay at home for local day camps.

Participating in camp is more than just a fun experience, it allows your child the opportunity to improve their social skills and build stronger relationships with their peers. Camp opens their social circles beyond their school friends. However, as you look for camps for your young ones to attend, you may want to consider these 5 key things as you decide on a camp.

Think about your child

Consider your child's interests. It's important to know a child's personality and identify what camp programs will benefit them most. With the variety of programs and activities available these days, summer camps offer fun and meaningful adventures to match a child's interests and maturity level.

Ask your friends and family

It is not worth the risk of sending your kids to a camp where the staff and management don't have control. You may not even finish the week of camp which will not only leave your child with a bad experience, but you will also be out-of-pocket. Trust the opinion of those that have your children's best interest at heart.

Reduce the hassle

You are not the Summer Camp expert, and to study all the options, phone the camps and fill out all the forms is probably not worth your time. Find someone that knows all the camps. They will compile all the paperwork for you at one time and they already have a calendar schedule mapped out for all the different camps available.

Your eyes on the street

While you don't want to be that over bearing parent, knowing that someone is looking over your child, will give you peace-of-mind. Perhaps your friends parents will be at the camp, or an older sibling will be working at the camp.

Add variety to the camp calendar

A variety of camps broadens your child's experience. It gives them opportunities to experiment and try activities that they may not have chosen. You never know, you may just discover a new talent and find the next great chef!

Be certain to include your child in the decision-making process. Explore the camp options with your child and examine the materials and activities the camps provide. Most of all, ENJOY the summer, it is the season of long days and fun times time outside. (1).gif



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